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Welcome, visitors to the new website of The Anti Money Laundering and Counter Terrorist Financing Unit. We welcome you, hoping that this website will be a gateway to obtaining knowledge of everything related to combating money laundering, the financing of terrorism and proliferation system in the Kingdome.
The Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorist Financing Unit, a public institution that is financially and administratively independent. It is considered a national center for receipt and analysis of Suspicious Transaction Reports and other information relevant to money laundering, associated predicate offences and terrorist financing.
An Efficient Unit to combat money laundering and terrorist financing and proliferation, and a distinguished performance at the regional and international levels
Jordan Assumes Chairmanship of MENAFATF for 2025
The Advanced Strategic Analysis Course – ASAC.
Best Practices on Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism regional workshop.
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